View full version: General PEG & General Musical Discussion
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  1. Advice Regarding Berlin Pro Custom Shop listed on the Bay.
  2. New York Anniversary
  3. The sound of my Patrick Eggle Berlin
  4. My first ever UK gig ... certainly with a PEG
  5. Berlin Pro Neck Pics Please
  6. Original Berlin/Vienna body. What & What? # PICS ADDED #
  7. PEG history tour
  8. Gerry Porter
  9. Me and my Berlin
  10. PJE Guitars and Legendary era
  11. Just thought I'd say hi!
  12. Eggle lookalikes..
  13. Trev Wilkinson - what a nice guy
  15. A new English gem ... done with English guitars: MOTHER
  16. Eggle parts ex factory sale
  17. Pedal Board
  18. Rob WIlliams - Woodworm Strat
  19. Pick up height
  20. Push pull tone pot
  21. What’s with getting Eggles signed by Patrick!?
  22. Wilkinson Spares in UK
  23. NGD
  24. A long awaited arrival - PRS Tremonti
  25. NGD Gibson Les Paul
  26. Amplifiers
  27. 94 LA Pickup change?
  28. New York set up
  29. Eggle necks
  30. Finally got an Eggle - but need advice!
  31. school me please on eggle guitars
  32. Discussing power attenuators
  33. Anyone here using the Steinberg USB elicenser?
  34. eggles on cash converter site
  35. Tone Chronicles
  36. Mojotone Quiet Coil singlecoils
  37. Why are the 90's classd as the Legendary years ?
  38. Bare Knuckle Pick-ups in my Berlin Stage....
  39. What eggle is this
  40. Iommi sg junior project
  41. Set-up help.
  42. PJE on Radio Shropshire
  43. New (bargain) Guitar Day
  44. Time for a PUP change on my NY Standard -
  45. Berlin & Vienna
  46. Info on first eggle bought today
  47. Eggles on Ebay
  48. NGD Rubens 7-string
  49. RIP: PEG fan Cliff Ledger
  50. Refinishing an Eggle with oil
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