To place an ad or check rates:
Please email initially giving your name, company, landline number (no mobiles please) etc.
Low cost :: No commission :: Ad payments preferred by PayPal :: Links given to your website etc.
So there's no confusion, the process here is that ads can only be posted by forum administrator and they will be composed provisionally upon agreement of the details of content. You will be encouraged to provide high quality digital pics and descriptive text including your contact and website information, your terms of sale, methods of payment accepted etc. If you need advice and guidance about the item for sale as well, then please ask. Note that pics must be provided to be hosted here, not hosted remotely. Please see existing ads as examples of the presentation — if you have different requirements these can be negotiated.
Once your ad has been prepared it will be posted in a section only available to logged-in commercial traders — no-one else will be able to view it (except admins and other logged-in commercial traders). Providing it is acceptable and once your payment has been confirmed, the ad will be placed in the Commercial Sales section which is viewable by everyone including casual non-member visitors (unlike most of the rest of this forum), where it will remain until it times out. Upon expiry, it will be moved back into the restricted repository or, upon receipt of a renewal fee (lower cost than initial fee) it will again be posted.
For items that have sold you are asked to inform us as such, upon which the item will be marked 'sold' or 'withdrawn' and the ad will normally remain publicly viewable — this serves to maintain a link to your website and your contact details.
Please email initially giving your name, company, landline number (no mobiles please) etc.
Low cost :: No commission :: Ad payments preferred by PayPal :: Links given to your website etc.
So there's no confusion, the process here is that ads can only be posted by forum administrator and they will be composed provisionally upon agreement of the details of content. You will be encouraged to provide high quality digital pics and descriptive text including your contact and website information, your terms of sale, methods of payment accepted etc. If you need advice and guidance about the item for sale as well, then please ask. Note that pics must be provided to be hosted here, not hosted remotely. Please see existing ads as examples of the presentation — if you have different requirements these can be negotiated.
Once your ad has been prepared it will be posted in a section only available to logged-in commercial traders — no-one else will be able to view it (except admins and other logged-in commercial traders). Providing it is acceptable and once your payment has been confirmed, the ad will be placed in the Commercial Sales section which is viewable by everyone including casual non-member visitors (unlike most of the rest of this forum), where it will remain until it times out. Upon expiry, it will be moved back into the restricted repository or, upon receipt of a renewal fee (lower cost than initial fee) it will again be posted.
For items that have sold you are asked to inform us as such, upon which the item will be marked 'sold' or 'withdrawn' and the ad will normally remain publicly viewable — this serves to maintain a link to your website and your contact details.